The World Cup fever will come to the end in less than 24 hours with the final match is between Spain versus Holland. While I bet that people around the globe had "this fever" more than a month ago, the children over finally received it a week ago. The reason was simple. I just noticed that the pupils started to play football at the school field a week ago with some of them "tak lekang mulut" saying world cup! world cup! while playing.
This "so late" phenomena was maybe due to lack of exposure to the World Cup event. Among the factors behind this phonemena was electricity problem. Since there's no electricity supply (due to geographical condition) the longhouse folks depend on electricity supplies from individuals' owned generators. Even the school where I teach receives electricity from government generators. Normaly, 2-3 families will share 1 generators. It is costly to operate the generator for 24 hours. Therefore the folks usually start their generators from 6 pm till 1100 pm. which means the children over here didn't have the opportunity to watch the game that normally aired on national TV as early as 1030 pm. Secondly, As we know World Cup only can be watched through Astro or RTM. However people over here depend on parabolic satellite dish (PSD) as the main source of entertainment because for them it was not so economically affordable to own AStro and at the same time, RTM reception was quite poor.
Suprisingly for this World Cup edition it was quite hard to get a channel which aired live match through PSD because it seemed that all these channel were blocked from above. However when the match reached quarter final stages, some of the villagers managed to detect few unblocked channels (mostly from China TV stations) which aired live match and that was he moment where the kids got the fever. Therefore the moment the extra class and the co-curricular sessions ended, the all the kids rushed to the field playing football. Some of them even imagine themselves as Ronado (Ronaldo).
There even asked me to played with them but I was quite lazy and tired to join them. Instead I just took some photos of them playing football. Photos below showed the kids in action. Jom layan...

In the ulu area it is a common thing to see boys and girls playing football together. Even during my time as a school boy, I used to play football with the girls. By the way who will win the final match ? Holland or Spain. We wait and see....
July 26, 2010 at 7:59 PM
haha...budak2 tengah demam bola..
July 28, 2010 at 8:30 PM
Iya they still demam bola until now