Week 6: The Return To The Class

Selepas seminggu bersukaria for CNY, the class resume back. Alahai terasa berat badan akibat teroverdose makan. he3x. So kesannya amat dirasai time kelas PJK. terasa penat ketika berlari. As for my Ilmu Pendidikan, We all belajar about Multiple Intelligence, buat presentation about Defensive Behaviorism, and so on. As for my Major, I learned about Ausubel and Gargner Teaching Methods. BM pula belajar pasal Wacana Bahasa, apa dia penanda bahasa and so on. as for my PNB, we had been assigned to do presentation about asal usul Melaka. kuang3x. mcm pernah ku buat presentation ini semasa di sekolah menengah dahulu. as for moral lesson, we learnt about nilai2x moral. for pengurusan GERKO, I learned how to form a club. he3x.

As for my outdoor activities we learned about long jump in the olahraga sesssion, and how to do heading in my sepak takraw class. as for my PBSM kelas, we all kena belajar history bout PBSM. Well I guess thats for this week "reflection".

quote for this week:

In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years. ~Jacques Barzun

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